Greensmiths seems to be a new sort of concept, or maybe an old one done particularly well. Either way I was pleased to see that there was a source of Ginger Pig meat that is pretty much on my way home from work. My bank manager may not feel the same way however.
The people behind Greensmiths have got a few companies that already have a reputation for quality, and housed them all under the same roof. You can therefore get bread from The Old Post Office Bakery, fruit and veg from Solstice or coffee from Caffe Antica, as well as meat from Ginger Pig. There are also lots of deli items.
I spent a happy half an hour or so browsing before leaving with sausages (gluten-free – yay), great natural yoghurt, special offer strawberries and Montezuma white chocolate buttons (my guilty pleasure).
Their takeaway lunch-type items looked good too, such as quiche with salad, and I think you can eat in as well. The scotch eggs looked worth a try!
Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area, and it is open until 8 pm.
Butter Cookies with Berry Jam
3 hours ago
I love this idea. I imagine it's expensive, but how convenient, not to mention charming. (And I think The Ginger Pig's sausage rolls are the best in London!)