I have referred to the diet I have been put on a few times, without really explaining what it is. I have been having stomach problems for sometime now, and had my appendix out in the summer. However, the problems persisted, and so finally I got to see a dietitian at the hospital, who put me on a low-FODMAP diet. This restricts the amount of certain dietary carbohydrates, which have been found to cause some people problems.
In practical terms this means no wheat (I am doing gluten-free, as weirdly that seems easier as it is labelled), no onions or garlic, and also lots of different fruit and vegetables are on the banned list. It means quite a lot of forward planning, particularly if we are eating out. It can get pretty frustrating, although at least I am used to cooking all of my meals from scratch, as ready meals are out.
It has also meant that I have had to be creative with my lunches on weekdays, as virtually all of the sandwich shop/takeaway options are out. If we are having something that will be good cold then I cook a bit extra, e.g. frittata, chicken, rice. Quite often I cook up quite a lot of new potatoes or rice on a Sunday night, and that can then form the basis of my lunch for the next week.
Rice mixed with pesto (homemade with no garlic), with ham or cold chicken, is a favourite, as is potato salad. I also enjoyed a smoked mackerel fillet with lettuce and horseradish today. Cold chicken with mayonnaise and a bit of crème fraiche and tarragon is a good one too. For the days when inspiration is lacking oatcakes and Philadelphia is an option, although a pretty boring one. I also have a bottle of tamari (wheat-free soy sauce) in my desk, so that I can treat myself to sushi. I am sure as the weather gets colder I will be having more soup and baked potatoes too.
I have to have suitable snacks with me for those peckish moments, as the vending machine is no longer an option. It means that I am being a lot healthier, as snacks tend to be carrot sticks or grapes rather than crisps or chocolate!
I have also been getting a Graze box delivered to work. Basically they deliver a healthy snack box, usually containing some fresh fruit, nuts, seeds and dried fruit. It is expensive compared to buying the stuff in bulk, but convenient. I am also low on self-control, so at least this comes in portion sizes. If you want to try it out, click here and you’ll get a free box (and I’ll get some money off mine!).
EASY CLASSIC Apple Cobbler
24 minutes ago
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